Celebrating 40 years of adventure
Los York Creative Studio were in charge of Teva's epic 40th-anniversary campaign, marking four incredible decades as a trailblazing footwear brand. The concept was to blend authentic photos and videos from the past 40 years, showcasing people rocking Teva sandals, immersing in nature, and just having a blast.
We seamlessly edited the footage, framing it to vibe with the campaign's style guide, amplified by 80s and 90s aesthetics.
Graphics, research and brand elements:
After nailing the style guide, we defined specific color palettes and graphics for each decade. Think VHS and DV camera vibes with a minimalist 80s and 90s twist.
We ventured into new creative territory, pushing design boundaries. This led to a variety of style frames, exploring different ways to bring designs to life in motion graphics.
The transition into motion was a thrill ride, especially when tackling heavier shots, like crafting those funky end-cards.
The real magic happened when we found that sweet-spot, balancing motion graphics, composition, and raw footage. The result is a one-minute nostalgia explosion that we’re very proud of!
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